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Project 2020  main purpose is to assist and aid in the growth and revitalization of our historic downtown district and its businesses.  Through facade grants, donations, and hosting events, we strive to preserve and restore our historic architecture, land, and rodeo while maintaining its unique charm and beauty.

The Community Garden and Boley Sign Committee goal is to create a community organic garden including but not limited to flowers, trees, vegetables, herbs, brick pathway, arbor, and farmers market across from McCormicks as you enter the town and within the town, as well as update the Welcome to Boley Sign. This project is headed by a committee of local volunteers and Boley Alumni.

The Builiding and Housing Committeegoal is to revitalize historical bulidings within the town and bring housing for the citizens of Boley and its businesses. The project is headed by a committee of local volunteers, grant writers and Boley Alumni.

The Rodeo and Events Commiteegoal is to work with the town and its committee to improve and maintain the rodeo grounds year round, including events, clean up, and grant writing. The project is headed by a committee of local volunteers, grant writers and Boley Alumni.

Donations & SponsorshipHow Does Donations & Sponsorship Work? Donations and sponsorships are vital to Boley’s revitalization nonprofits projects which operate primarily off of monetary gifts. While the nuances between donations and sponsorships vary, a donation is generally a onetime gift that goes to the nonprofits general fund, while a sponsorship involves a renewed pledge that supports a specific cause or project.

Frequency: The most common difference between a donation and a sponsorship lies in the frequency of the contributor’s gift. Many organizations classify a donation as a onetime gift of any amount, and a sponsorship as a fixed amount contributed regularly over a certain number of months or, more commonly, years. However, in some cases, a donation of a large amount to a particular project can qualify as a sponsorship even if it is a onetime gift.

Benefits: Donating to a nonprofit charitable organization often qualifies donors for a tax rebate if they do not receive anything in return for their gift. Sponsorships can be tax deductible when not connected to advertising or personal gain, as in the case of money pledged regularly to a humanitarian group to sponsor a child or a family. However, most corporate sponsors provide money to companies in exchange for marketing opportunities, thus making them ineligible for tax rebates. This kind of sponsorship provides a different sort of benefit for the contributors, such as the chance to advertise their logo and expand their audience.

Effort Invested: Donations require considerably less effort than sponsorships because they are by nature a single event: The donor gives the money, and the donation is finished. Sponsorships, especially those concerning marketing, entail more time and planning. A good sponsorship will encourage communication and crossover between the sponsoring and receiving parties, inviting the sponsor to share the vision of the company while freeing that company to pursue its goal without having to worry about funding.

Recognition: Boley Revitalization Projects honor both their donors and their sponsors, listing their names on company websites or materials and thanking them for their generosity. Sponsors tend to be particularly emphasized, and frequently receive specific advertising space to ensure that their organization receives as much exposure as possible in return for their contribution. This allowance also allows sponsors to have their names or brands recognized alongside the charitable causes they support, drawing their audience’s attention to their commitment to social issues or their investment in the community.

Currently we are accepting donations for the upkeep and maintenance of the gardens.  We are also raising money to put on events during the Smithsonian  Exhibit which will start May 2022.

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